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Oslo, Norway

Camilla Hanssen 



Camilla Hanssen is a professional dancer, teacher and choreographer based in Oslo, Norway. Miss Hanssen stepped into her dancing shoes at the early age of two and has not stopped since. She has a bachelor’s degree in Music Theatre and Dance at London Studio Centre, as well as an education from Bårdar Akademiet in Commercial Stage Performance and three years at the National Ballet pathway at Edvard Munch Secondary School. This year she has studied for her Postgraduate Certificate in Educational theory and practice in Performing Arts at Oslo National Academy of Arts. Miss Hanssen is mostly known for her appearances the past decades as a dancer on the National Team of Norway in Performing Arts. With merits such as European Champion in show-, jazz and modern dance and World Champion in jazz dance, she truly covers the definition of a dedicated athlete and performer. Her first proper stage experience was at one of Norway’s major stages, Oslo Spektrum, in the Christmas musical Putti Plutti Pott. Her career is built upon versatility in styles from freestyle discojazz to ballet, she masters numerous styles of jazz and contemporary, sings, acts and is a true triple threat. Her interest in choreography and teaching took hold already in her early teens, and today miss Hanssen has a well-known reputation in the competitive dance world despite her young age. In 2024 Camilla choreographed five medalist pieces for the Norwegian and Belgium National Teams, including the new World Champions in jazzdance group. Nevertheless, as a dancer she has already performed professionally in Europe and Asia. And her most famous solo “The Rose” choreographed by her mentor, and dance teacher, Jeanette Lühr Olsen and herself, has been performed in over 7 different countries. Miss Hanssen has a strong hunger for the creativeness and currently makes a living only from her one true passion – dance. 

Available for bookings

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Workshops & Classes

Available worldwide

Dance workshops in all types of jazz styles, contemporary/modern dance, showdance and more. 

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Choreography & private lessons

- Choreography and private lessons for competitive dancers.

- Choreography for larger scenic productions and/or films.

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Dancer & performer

Available worldwide

- Musicals, theatre performance and other scenic dance performances.

- Artist tours, background dancer, music videos etc. 

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As a creator Camilla Hanssen has a rather incomparable approach to what dance might be. As she’s grown up in the era of social media and nevertheless in the competitive community, she sees dance as both an artform and athleticism. From early on she was inspired by the American way of dancing performing arts, added on that she also had experiences in the British freestyle discojazz; combine these two and an incredible amount of commitment to technique, discipline and passion and you will have the choreographic and stylistic elegance of Miss Hanssen. She normally choreographs on the spot as the creativity flows with dancers being present. Her movements are free, created and formed for the dancers that are performing them. She explores through creating complete choreographies, and seldomly has the need to dive too far into each movement. She appreciates the more commercial finishes and the uniqueness of each dancer. Her own movements and performances are built upon her emotional connection to the audience – whether it is all about making them groove, smile or cry. This is something she tries to convey to her students and dancers, emotion is what connects art and athleticism. Her true calling in life is spreading the love for dance, so as she choreographs, teaches or performs herself, she always has a positive and genuine connection with those around. In her eyes, everyone can dance. And everyone deserves a chance to fall in love with it. She finds joy in improvement and if she can discover hidden talents in different shapes and forms her creativity is endless. 

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Camilla Hanssen
Oslo, Norway

© 2021 by Camilla Hanssen. 

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